Open research positions:
I have multiple ANR-funded Ph.D, PostDoc, and Master's internship opportunities in my research group to work on the mathematical foundations of data science, and physical layer security. If you wish to apply, please take a look at some of the group's recent publications and send me an email describing your interests along with your CV.About me
I am an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay. I work with the Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S).
My research focuses on the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of data science and engineering systems, where I investigate problematics at the intersection of statistics, harmonic analysis, and structured signal processing. More specifically, I am working on continuous, off-the-grid, inverse problems and system calibration with applications in sensing and imaging systems, telecommunications, and physical layer security. I am particularly interested in quantifying the resolution limits of such problems and in deriving efficient algorithms guaranteeing a stable reconstruction. Additionally, I design privacy-enhancing communication schemes for wireless systems.
Before joining CentraleSupélec, I was a Research Associate at the University of Southern California working with Prof. Urbashi Mitra, and at Carnegie Mellon University, in the research group of Prof. Yuejie Chi. I received my Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London in 2018 under the supervision of Dr. Wei Dai. I obtained the Diplôme d'Ingénieur from CentraleSupélec and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College in 2012.
I am the laureate of an ANR Young Researcher grant awarded by the French National Research Agency.
- June 2024: I am happy to be the recipient of an ANR Young Researcher grant (ANR JCJC).
- May 2024: I am presenting at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux analysis seminar.
- April 2024: I will be presenting at the S3 signal processing seminar series of the Université Paris-Saclay.
- February 2024: A novel conference preprint on the local Lipschitz properties of the pulse localisation problem.
- January 2024: Two novel conference preprints on mixture learning via sketching; and physical layer location privacy.
- November 2023: I am thrilled to present at the Institut Henri Poincaré in the workshop on off-the-grid and continuous methods for optimization and inverse problems in imaging.
- November 2023: New preprint on the condition number of non-harmonic Fourier matrices [link].
- October 2023: New conference preprint on goal-oriented communications [link].
- September 2023: New preprint on physical layer security based on inverse problems [link].
- April 2023: New conference preprint on Beurling's extremal approximations [link].
- March 2023: New publication accepted in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory on the local geometry of spike deconvolution [link].
- December 2022: I'm happy to present at the 30th Alain Bouyssy Colloquium on Physical and Engineering Sciences.
- October 2022: I am starting as an Associate Professor at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay.
Email: maxime.ferreira@centralesupelec.fr
Landline: +33 1 75 31 78 84
Office: CS-IBM building, EP 2.7
CentraleSupélec | Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory of Signals and Systems
3 rue Joliot-Curie
Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91192, FRANCE